How to mask an image using Adobe Photoshop

This is a quick, down and dirty guide to using the "Quick Mask" tool in Photoshop. The author is using Adobe Photoshop 7, but this tutorial should apply to any version of the program. Masking is very, VERY easy... once you know how to do it.

First... we need an image. For practice purposes, download the image of an iris (below) to your desktop (right-click/save as):

Next, open the image of the iris (iris.jpg) into Photoshop.

You'll notice that the "background" layer has a lock on it. We need to unlock this layer first.

Double Click on the "background" layer and the following dialog box will apear:

Simply click on the "Ok" button. This unlocks the layer and renames it to "Layer 0" (like the image below).

Now that the image is prepared, lets get to it!

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