Bring Out Your Dead (part XI)!!

"You like my meatballs. You like the taste and texture as you roll them around in your mouth."

- bio

On Saturday, 09/21/02, we did the whole "Bring Out Your Dead" thing again.

There were a total of 14 machines and about 25 people during the night... some of which I hadn't seen in over a year. We did things a little differently this time with the table setup this time, concentrating everyone on the lower two floors (which ultimately caused the breaker to flip).

We also had people dialed in from the outside (Kirtaner from Toronto Ontario was our official "laggy bitch" for the night).

We also came to the decision that this will be the last lan party we have, as it's a bitch to set them up and the attendance keeps dropping. After hosting virtually all the lan parties for the past two and a half years, I figured it's someone else's turn for a while.

The party started at 6:00 pm (as always) and ended at 3:30 am (another short one, only 9 and a half hours).

I didn't get a lot of pictures this time (too busy drinking), but here's how things worked out:

My neighbor Bed, his friends from work, his son, John. Ben amazed and surprised later in the evening to owning everyone... the man's been practicing!!
A shot of the main room (and the back of a few heads... hey... you're getting thin up there). We were into UT2003 at this point. The version we had was beyond beta but not quite gold. It worked fairly well (I do have an official copy currently on order... should get it next week).
My wife and the back of my boss's head, Julie. I was absolutely amazed that she and her beau showed up at the party (while they're both extremely technical people, they're not geeks like I am). They had only planned on staying 5-10 minutes, but stayed for just over an hour.
Jess's friend (who's name escapes me at the moment... I just call him "zipper boy" from an incident at a previous lan party) on my machine... tearing it up (and changing my key bindings... bastard!!)
I had a request from a couple people over at the CBF, so we were broadcasting live images via the webcam so people could watch.

More images here! >