FRAGFEST, '00 Warming my house with the bodies of the dead |
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On Saturday, January 23rd, 2000, we finally had a house-warming party of sorts. I invited a bunch of friends over for a friendly little LAN party. |
![]() right to left: fingerpie, zzottt, PsStYeCvHeO, bak[hood], Leviathon
![]() clockwise from left: bak[hood], PsStYeCvHeO, zzottt, fingerpie, mr*chaos
![]() left to right: lamest (his head), ben, thrat, pookie, bullet*sponge
![]() clockwise from bottom left: thrat, rezidu, pookie, lamest, hellphyre
These things have a way of taking
on a life of their own, and next thing I knew, there were more RSVP's than there were
Fortunately, I had enough room for those who did show, and we quickly got the network set up (well.. quickly is a subjective word... we had issues - but nothing too bad). We began with a simple game of Tribes (which is my best game) over in the Tribes War 2 server. (AKA - cap`n) was unable to attend physically due to other obligations but came in via ADSL. It was fun, but when you have 11 computers trying to get out on 1 ADSL line, it tends to get a bit laggy. So... we switched to Unreal Tournament for a bit of CTF action. hellphyre punched a port open so that kidCrush (AKA - bryan) could join in from Florida (which sadly didn't happen). We kept that going till well past midnight. Finally, we attempted to play Quake III Arena. I've been a Quake fan for a long time, but Arena just comes up short. If you're looking to buy a game, get Unreal Tournament... it's just better. All in all, I guess it was a pretty good success though. We had 11 computers and 16 guests, and we only blew the circuit breakers once. |
We'll be doing it again soon, as I seems that my house was voted "Official LAN Party House" by several of the attendees (the layout of my computer room and game room are perfect for it). Look for updates (and perhaps entertaining content) soon! |