Right to left: Ben, Steve, and Jim. This is the first time Ben had ever been to one of my parties
(and he didn't bring a machine), so I put him on mine for a while. Steve dominated until my
neighbor (the other Ben) opened a can of whoop-ass on everyone. Jim just smiles and laughs a lot.
Mark, Jess, and Zipper-boy. Mark and I tried to get a game of
America's Army going, but the damn authentication servers were down. Jess was setting up a firewall
with a DMZ for me in the background (gotta love linux!) |
Jerry and Wade (early on in the party... notice the vacancy next to them). Both of them did
pretty well (once they got patched up... damn that "de mismatch" error!! )
My eldest son played as long as he could... but ended up crashing. I thought this was
a cute shot.