Archive of the Ashtray

04/02/99 at 12:45 PM PST
Dang... housekeeping has gotten rather efficient lately!!
Free Space: 98%
Variety of Butts: 3 Camels (of of them is mine) and two Marlboro light butts.
Liquid: Still dry.
Nasty Factor: 28%
My Perception: Housekeeping is still beating me to the punch here. I guess I should have gone out earlier as I had planned yesterday.
04/01/99 at 12:27 PM PST
The housekeeping staff is beating me to the punch!!
Free Space: 99.9%
Variety of Butts: One lonely Marlboro light butt.
Liquid: Dry.
Nasty Factor: 13% - this baby is as clean as I've ever seen it.
My Perception: I think the housekeeping staff has got my schedule down. It didn't look like this earlier in the day. They empty it now just before I go to lunch. Tomorrow... I'll take the pic on my first break!
03/31/99 at 3:56 PM PST
Lick it clean!
Free Space: 98%
Variety of Butts: It's fairly butt free today, not much in there.
Liquid: It was dumped earlier today... so the bulk of the liquid is gone.
Nasty Factor: 94% - The wet ash crud on the bottom doesn't look very pleasant, and smells worse than it looks.
My Perception: I'm about out of perceptions... been doing this for a few weeks now. I'm thinking of closing the whole ashtray thing down. It's a pain in the butt... it just isn't funny to me any more, and it's costing me a fortune in batteries for the digital camera.
03/30/99 at 12:47 PM PST
Tobacco Soup!
Free Space: 92% (If you don't count the water)
Variety of Butts: A few camels and such... not much to note.
Liquid: Oh yeah... we got liquid!.
Nasty Factor: 87%.
My Perception: I accidentally overwrote everying from this day, so I don't remember for sure what my origional comments were. I gotta remember to make a second backup of the web site.

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