Personal web pages of people I know |
Ice Castle The homepage of my favorite Australian stalker. Icey, the author, is an incredbily cool person who I hang with in chat (on the server). She has some very funny stuff on this site (including pictures of my bare ass), so take the time to look! CastleNet Ok... so CastleNet isn't a person, but rather, a place. It's one of the IRC servers I often hang out in. Come find me sometime! Punch in the head - new 11/02/01 - Marc finally got around to putting together a website. He's got art, links, and some generally funny stuff as well as and incredible logo (my, what artistic talent... what skill... what genius!). mrmoth So... "what the hell is Mr. Moth?" you may ask. Mr. Moth is a composer, performer, and general pain in the ass! He's got his web site up complete with mp3's of his music for your listening pleasure. Party In A Box Colin from Alaska's first attempt at a website. I don't actually know Colin, but he took the time to write me an email to tell me my website doesn't suck, so I thought I would return the favor by pimping his. Jittery Jim's Home of James Enloe. He's got a bit of this, a lot of that, and a very nice web design. Check it out! Bryan Leighty Bryan (of wwbd?) fame has his web site back up on a new server! Check out the fun and games as he takes you on a wild ride through the mind of a sexual deviant!. Eddie Canuck My brother-in-law finally got his own domain and moved to a REAL server (goodbye nbci scumbags!). Take a peek at all things Canadian, and ask him about his intimate relationships with goats. Wade has a new URL full of images, movies, and other assorted crap. Take a moment to increment his counter by 1. Sometimes you get suprised by someones hidden tallents. Spencer is not only an excelent engineer... that boy can draw! Check out his illustrations and paintings (and hey... offer him some money... he may sell you one!).