Bring Out The Naked Chicks!!

"Mmmmmm... whiped cream and cat-5! The perfect combo!"

- Bio

On Saturday, August 5th, 2000, we had yet another little LAN party. This one was diffent from the rest though... and you'll see why shortly. The party was held at Caesar's house this time (you may know him as Bak from the Hood Quake Clan).

I have no idea how many people showed up for this one (but I'm thinking it was over 30). The party was held in honor of Tony at work (as he is soon to be married).

Only 14 or so computers made it to this one.
Setting up the machines.

There were 10 computers in Ceasars living room and 2 in the kitchen.
Kyle keeps a sharp eye out at the door

The girls are here!!

After a negotiation over pricing (this kind of fun isn't cheap!), Corwin walks the ladies in (and two rather large men with shaved heads who arrived with the girls).

Oh yeah... there's more... but if you want to see it, you have to click here!
