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Time for some heat sink compound.

I chose to use Arctic Silver for 2 reasons:
  • It's rated as the best
  • It came with the Swiftech

    I applied a thin coat (about paper thick) and used a razor to smooth it out for even coverage.

  • Why do they call it "silver" when it's white?
    Next, it was time to mount the heat sink itself.

    The 20oz copper and aluminum base screwed down easily to the posts, and I tightened them down until they were finger tight in a criss-cross pattern.

    this could probably cool things all by itself
    Four more screws and the fan was attached.

    Because of power requirements, the fan connects directly to the power supply and has a lead that connects to the motherboard (for fan speed).

    the swiftech towers over the board!
    Finally, with the processor, ram, and cooling solution installed, it's time to move it into it's new home.

    Note all the space around the board... I like it!

    spacious accommodations
    Time to install the CD and CD-RW.

    The front panel easily snaps off for quick access. Note the thumbscrews for the floppy drive.


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