wwbd – Get your groove on!

Archive for October, 2002

Red, hot, and sexy!!

October 31, 2002 By: bio Category: General

Happy Halloween!

In the spirit of things, I wore a costume for the first time in about 10 years.

I'm red, hot, SEXY!!!

Damn… I’m sexy!!

Mental note to self: next time, bring a change of clothes so you’re not stuck in something so silly (and cold) all day long.

Little, yellow, different

October 30, 2002 By: bio Category: General

Long time no update.

I’ve been pretty busy the last month or so. Between my trip to Vancouver BC and preparing for the upcoming Disaster Recovery Test at work, time has been pretty short for dedicating to the old website.

I will have the details of my Vancouver trip up shortly (hopefully by the end of the weekend).

In other news, I purchased a new toy last night: a 2003 Suzuki Aerio, electric yellow with all wheel drive, ABS, and a 6 disk CD changer.

I love it, but so far all my friends say it’s the ugliest thing they’ve ever seen!