T-minus 9 days
We’re just 9 days away from fillet of me.
I spent most of the morning at the hospital going through the whole pre-surgical routine. They drew blood, made me pee in a jar, check my oxygen levels, drew blood, took my blood pressure, weighed me, measured me, drew blood, and asked me questions (on… and drew one last thing of blood).
Good times there!
On the website front:
I’ve been working on the whole “floating footer” issue I’ve been having. I can now get the CSS and xml to validate for the most part… it’s still pissy about the java script I have running… but I’ve tried removing it and that makes no difference. There was a suggestion to either A) shorten the sidebar (aka: the right side of the screen) or B) set a minimum height to the same.
I’m probably going to look at modifying the php to create a select box for archives (click the down arrow, pick a month of archives). That should shorten the sidebar enough that it will no longer be an issue.