Happy Halloween
We are having a costume contest today at work… I came as apathy.
I don’t think they get it (no prize for me this year).
Last year, I came to work dressed as Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz. Wear a dress to work once and they’ll never forget it (or let you forget it either).
In my own personal medical news: I finally got my call about the injection yesterday. The appointment is set up for mid November. They’re doing a “selective nerve block” by injecting my spine with corticosteroids. It’s supposed to make things feel better over the short term, at least until my surgery.
I still think it would be easier to buy a shotgun at Wall*Mart, but the wife isn’t going along with that.
Every week (more or less), I post the keywords that people put into search engines when they find my website. Recently though, I’ve discovered that by posting those keywords, it brings more people to the site (because they’re looking for the same damn things). While this may anger those who are looking for pictures of interracial sex and bestiality, it amuses the shit outa me.
So, without further adieu…. this weeks keywords are:
“black”, “porn”, “white”, “best”, “dog” , “&”, “wwbd”, “and”, “woman”, “on”, “free”, “porn,black”, “big”, “buttock”, “find”
Combine those words in any way you deem fit… it’s teh funneh!