SMP = Supah Megah Powah!!
Tonight, my bestest friend EVER, Jess, upgraded Woody (the little machine that you all have come to know and love as this server) with a new kernel.
Now… for the first time ever (and only a friggin’ year after she was put into production), both processors are running.
Yup… dual AMD MP 2800+ bizzaches…. hummin’ away in unison. All hot and sweaty and glistening and…. um… if you need me, I’ll be in the bathroom.
Damn… now I gotta… um… process somethin’ and stuffs.
Oh… and I fixed my Tivo (only took 6 hours yesterday and another 5 today).
Yup…. accomplishment feels spiffy.
Oh… and on one final note: I ordered Firefly – The complete Series from Amazon a couple weeks ago. When it came, I discovered, much to my dismay, that it was bundled as an “OMG SUPER DUPER LIMITED EDITION”, with two coppies of DVD #2 and no coppies of DVD #4. Amazon (God bless ’em), is sending a new box set out and it should be here on Wednesday.