wwbd – Get your groove on!

Spring is about to… spring

March 19, 2003 By: bio Category: General

Spring is here (well, it will be at 5:30 this evening).

I rode my baby to work this morning in tropical 34 degree (1 Celsius) weather. Toasty!

In other news (like you care): I’m bleaching my head tonight and applying a new color… most likely blue (at least that’s what my co-workers have requested). They like to live vicariously through me (for those who don’t know… I’m an engineer who works in a sea of plaid).

Other than that… not much else going on. Watching the news and waiting to see what our Leader has planned.

0 Comments to “Spring is about to… spring”

  1. Hey there biobutt πŸ™‚

    Yep, it’s a bit scary down here too at the moment, although I think dubbya is damn rude to attack now, I mean, right before the academy awards! Our Nic might not even show up and I was dying to see what she was gonna wear.

    Seriously though, I have never been more scared in my life. I worry about what these nutcases might do in retaliation. I picked a bad video to watch last weekend “the sum of all fears”, which just brings home the fear that September 11 was just the entree to the main meal πŸ™

  2. EVE!! *insert me tackling you here*

    I could go into my thoughts on the politics of the whole war situation, but I’d hate to have the secret police show up at my door and “detain” me under the new Patriot act policies (seriously… this is scary stuff… read more: here)

    (you might want to “right click, open in new window” on that link… the whole target=”_blank” gets scrubbed out by the blog)

    I do support our troops fully. They have a job that they’ve been ordered to do and I trust them to do it well. I just hope that things end quickly with a minimal loss of life on both sides.

  3. Yep, it’s the same here, people are generally against the action, but fully support the troops.

    I guess as you say, the biggest freedom we have lost since September 11 is the freedom of speech. My dad and I were talking on the phone yesterday, he saying how sorry he felt for the Iraqi people and how terrified they must be with all the bombing, then saying how much trouble we could potentially be in if someone were listening in. Not all that much different from how the people in Iraq feel as well when discussing the Government! (Except we would probably live to tell the tale..)

    Lets just hope it all ends quickly and all our boys and girls come back home safe πŸ™‚
