wwbd – Get your groove on!

Dental hygene, offspring, and art

March 21, 2003 By: bio Category: General

I went to the dentist this morning for the first time since…. well… I don’t remember when.

Of course, telling your dentist that you don’t know when you last had a checkup is kinda like telling your doctor you don’t know your cholesterol level…. it’s a stupid thing to admit to.

So… full x-rays, complete scraping, and probing galore led to a conclusion of my dental health: perfect.

Though now I’m kinda committed to doing the every six month thing (or Guito, the dentist’s assistant, will break my knee caps).

On a side note: while I was there, the dentist was slightly taken aback. Apparently he has a patient, age 16, who looks exactly like me (sans the goatee). Interesting fact: about 17 years ago, I was dating a girl who became kind of weird suddenly. I had to go to Arizona for a month to help my mom with something, and when I came back, she had disappeared. My brother had joked at the time that perhaps she was pregnant.

Time to search the genealogy websites.


Oh… and here’s the art. Enjoy!

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