Updating the server
Big things on the server front!
Mr. Jess and I have been formulating a plan to upgrade the dump. We’ll soon begin building a new server to replace the current one (it will become a firewall).
What this means for the 20 some odd domains that I host is: buttloads of new features (woot!). Spam filters, a better online mail system, better statistics tracking, etc. Life will be very cool indeed.
Donations have been pouring in from some of the folks I host (thanks to Neil for the 60GB drive!). I still need either a deceint CD-RW or tape drive for backups (hint-hint, nudge-nudge).
“Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world’s first bionic server. Pixelthugs will be that server. Better than it was before. Better … stronger … faster”