I want to believe…
In a surprise twist of fate…. the dealer is actually doing something about my car.
I decided yesterday that I didn’t want to wait till tuesday to talk to a manager, so I called them and got transferred to the manager on duty, Ken Roberts. After explaining the whole situation to him, he told me that he didn’t have the authority to do anything (then who does?), but he would take my complaint and information, and call me back today by noon.
He called at 9:30 this morning.
They can’t do anything today (it’s a holiday and everything is closed), but they are going to rent me a car tomorrow and bring it out to where I work, then take my car back to the shop. He said they would keep it until they were absolutely positive it was perfect in every way, then drive it to where ever I am and deliver it to me. They’re also going to detail it for me (as there’s brown crap splattered on the inside from whatever they use to adhere the tint to the windows).
While I’ll believe it when I see it… it looks like things are moving in a positive direction here. More to follow.
And now… the links of the day (courtesy of Eve… she rocks my world:
Buy a painting… now with more vulva!
Unixsex – it’s ok to love your computer… just don’t luuuuuv your computer!