wwbd – Get your groove on!

And now… week 4

September 02, 2003 By: bio Category: General

Currently I’m about dead. I’ve only managed to get about 10 hours total of sleep in the last two days. Between the phone ringing off the hook, the people ringing the doorbell, and the dogs barking every time the wind blows, sleep has been a hard commodity to come by.

This brings me to my soap box rant of the night:

DO NOT CONTINUALLY CALL ME OR SHOW UP UNANOUNCED!! I sleep odd hours and it never fails that I’m right in the middle of my sleep period when the phone rings off the hook or someone just drops by to see how I’m doing. I’ll tell you how I’m doing… I’M SLEEPING!!! Unless you are related to me or married to someone who is… go away. Seriously.

I’m a little surly due to the fact that of the last 72 hours, only 14 have involved sleeping. Can you tell?

An observaton: Stouffer’s Lean Quisine Grilled Chicken Caesar bowl is actually edible as far as frozen food goes. It also beats the hell out of Cup-Noodle.

A second observaton: something in the ceiling just made a horrible sound… like it’s falling apart. Hopefully I don’t end up with one of the HVAC units falling through the roof and crushing me to death (though in the mood I’m currently in, that would be a sweet release).

A third observation: Those lying bastards at Maxwell house! They said their 8oz (226g) jar of instant coffee made 120 servings. I cry “bullshit”, as it’s nearly empty (and there’s no damn way I got even halfway to 120 cups of coffee out of this thing!).

Now that I’ve gotten a few things off my chest, I’m going to attempt freebasing the remainder of thus said instant coffee as part of a desperate ploy to stay awake.

0 Comments to “And now… week 4”

  1. marc says:

    apples keep you awake better than coffe. stuff maxwell.

    whos got the best coffe advert anyway?

  2. Dunno on the coffee adverts, but I live in washington state… land of coffee pure and true.

    In starbucks we trust!
