wwbd – Get your groove on!

It’s 3 am eternal

March 24, 2004 By: bio Category: General

Well… it’s 3:30 pacific.

I’m still in Pittsburgh, so it’s around 6:30 here. I had to get up at 3:30 to be here at 5 (which sucks). We’ve implemented the DR system and are now testing it. Hopefully things go well so we can all go home early (rather than next monday).

Things I’ve discovered about Pittsburgh:

  • It’s fucking cold
  • When you say “good morning” to someone you don’t know, they look at you like they’ve just stepped in gum.
  • Yuengling is good
  • Iron City is not
  • Drivers have no idea how to merge when getting on the freeway
  • You don’t go to Hooters for the food
  • All roads lead back to where you were
  • Maria, the bartender, is my best friend here

    You might have noticed that the server was unavailable for most of yesterday. There’s a reason for that – HUGE XBOX BIG UPGRADE to the dsl line. We’re now cooking with gas… 1.5mb/s down (for me) 864kb/s up (for you). That’s a 315% increase in speed for serving up webpages.

    A huge thanks to my wife, David, and Michael for getting things up and running while I’m out of town! And it wasn’t even down for a full day (I was told it might be down up to 5).

    I called my son and asked what he thought of it. All he could say was “I’m in a game… AND I’VE GOT A PING OF 5!!!”.

    Good ’nuff.

    And speaking of my son, it’s his 15th birthday today! I gave him his gifts from me before I left: an Asus Geforce FX 5200 with 128mb of DDR and a very cool case fan (and yes, I ordered it from that site. They have good prices, reasonable shipping, and they are fast. XPCGear gets the WWBD seal of approval!!!).

    Oh… one last thing. Apparently I’ve misspelled Pittsburgh in the last several posts. While I’ve corrected it, I want you to know that I don’t proof read any of this crap. It comes as it is. No warranty is implied. Your results may vary. Rinse, lather, repeat. I’m also a lousy speller.

    But I’m sexy, and that’s all that matters.

  • 0 Comments to “It’s 3 am eternal”

    1. Mr. Shawn says:

      Hey, no whining now.

      I’m still up and working from yesterday.

      I started at 8am. I’m 2 hours shy of being awake for 24.

    2. Me? Whine?

      Well, probobly. Constantly. Guilty as charged.

      What did you break?

    3. Mr. Shawn says:

      A voicemail drive, so I had to swap it, commission, and set it up as a hot standby…

      Takes time…
