Something new for you
You may notice the banner at the top of the page for
This isn’t some paid for thing. Mrmoth is a good friend of mine who happens to make some exceptional music. His new album “Unto the Wasteland” is absolutely fantastic, and I’m attempting to drive a little traffic his way. If nothing else, move your mouse across the banner… it changes the dirction that the “stars” fly (ooooh… interactive fun!!)
So, if you came here for reasons other than your infinite quest for bestiality porn (as 78% of my search engine driven traffic does), you might be interested in checking him out.
Help a brother and buy the album. You won’t regret it.
Want to help more? If you have a website, post that banner on it! Just copy and paste the following code into your html:
Note: Code has been removed. If you want the banner, let me know.