And the wheel, goes ’round…. and around…. and around…
I’ve been in the hospital since Monday and it’s looking like I might just be here for a few more days.
I’ve had some complications so to speak (my intestines just kinda shut down and refuse to start up again and now I’m running a low grade fever). Great times! I had planned on having some swell write-up about it all by now, but then again, I was supposed to be home by now (this is the first time I’ve gotten access out of the hospital.
Oh… and for those who are dying to see it… I present to you, the loyal viewer… a photo of my naked ass:
Yes… those are bruises that run completely around my body. Feels really great too!
I’ll post something more if and when I ever escape from this place.
Wow, that pic gives new meaning to the term butt ugly. Hope you are feeling better soon.