Welcome to boredomville, population: me
My life has officially become dull as hell.
My wife reuturned to work today after 7 weeks off (she took 6 weeks off to recover from her surgery, and one more to help me after mine). I can’t even begin to describe how wonderful she has been to me durring all of this. At the risk of once again coming off as totally mushy… I am truely blessed to share my life with this woman.
My sister and her husband also moved out this weekend. They’ve been living with us since last november. They moved in for two reasons: to help take care of me and to save up money for a house. Well… my surgery is done and I’m doing well, and they saved enough to close on a house last week. They rented a U-Haul last weekend and packed up.
So… I’m on my own durring the days now. Since all I do is nap, this shouldn’t be too bad, though I’m going to go a little stir crazy as the weeks stretch on. I’m not even allowed out of the house until my post-surgery appointment with my neurosurgeon (scheduled for June 22nd).
Things should pick up on the website durring this time. As anyone who’s been reading this knows… the more free time I have on my hands, the more entertaining the website becomes. Well… “entertaining” may not be the right word, but you can expect oddness to abound!
But for the moment, I’m going to take a nap. Darn drugs make me sleepy.