wwbd – Get your groove on!

Graveyard (part II)

September 08, 2004 By: bio Category: General

I’m pulling the night shift again.

Normally, one of the other guys would do it tonight (we’re only supposed to do this once a week), but he’s needed for a network transisiton tomorrow more than I am.

Yay, me!

So I’m sitting here, eating microwave food (which tastes pretty much like nothing), and am wishing I was anywhere else. I’ve only gotten 5 hours of sleep in the past 3 days, so I’m running on empty at the moment. There isn’t any coffee in the building (well… besides that vending machine that dispenses the black death in a paper cup), so I’m stuck drinking instant (they don’t allow coffee makers in our cubicles).

Earlier tonight, was watching a recording of Zell Miller’s keynote address at the GOP convention. I don’t know what else to say but “Wow!”. This is a man in dire need of a good laxative! Of course, it inspired me for some crap photoshop action:

And no... that isn't the Emperor from Star Wars... its Zell Miller, Democrat from Georgia

The Daily Show with John Stewart has a great take on it (thanks to moth for the link!).

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