wwbd – Get your groove on!

Still toying around with things

September 15, 2004 By: bio Category: General

I’m still playing with the new blog software… trying to come up with something that looks good.

The current layout is better, in my opinion, than what it was. Of course, things will change quite a bit.. I’ll be tweaking like a fool over the next few days.

Let me know what you think by leaving a comment!

0 Comments to “Still toying around with things”

  1. bugfreezer says:

    ALright, this looks much better – and nice logo as well!

    The comment editor is vastly better, and we’ll see how it looks when posted.

  2. miftah says:

    I like this one a lot better. Wasn’t a big fan of the brown. The logo’s cool, except that I understand what the sunflowers are doing behind the girls. That sort of confuses me since you aren’t anywhere near Kansas.

  3. Likes this better, yes. Have to agree with miftah, the sunflowers make zero sense. However, if that was your intent, you have succeeded.

  4. This layout is much cleaner and easier to read (though I feel the orange/brown one was muh-sexxxxxxay).

    But then, we are here to read 😀

    Nice job Bio!
