wwbd – Get your groove on!

Archive for September, 2004

Hail to the King, baby!

September 08, 2004 By: bio Category: General

A member of my forum pointed out a while ago that my rank in google has been climbing. In the past, this site has come in 3rd or so… behind “What would Britney Do” and “What would Buddha Do?”.

I just did a search for “wwbd” on MSN, google, altavista, hotbot, webcrawler, Overture, Go2Net, alltheweb, lycos, AOL, ask, metacrawler, fireball, and excite.

My site came in first on all except for webcrawler, ask, metacrawler, and excite (and who the hell uses any of those anymore anyway?).

Pretty groovy!

Graveyard (part II)

September 08, 2004 By: bio Category: General

I’m pulling the night shift again.

Normally, one of the other guys would do it tonight (we’re only supposed to do this once a week), but he’s needed for a network transisiton tomorrow more than I am.

Yay, me!

So I’m sitting here, eating microwave food (which tastes pretty much like nothing), and am wishing I was anywhere else. I’ve only gotten 5 hours of sleep in the past 3 days, so I’m running on empty at the moment. There isn’t any coffee in the building (well… besides that vending machine that dispenses the black death in a paper cup), so I’m stuck drinking instant (they don’t allow coffee makers in our cubicles).

Earlier tonight, was watching a recording of Zell Miller’s keynote address at the GOP convention. I don’t know what else to say but “Wow!”. This is a man in dire need of a good laxative! Of course, it inspired me for some crap photoshop action:

And no... that isn't the Emperor from Star Wars... its Zell Miller, Democrat from Georgia

The Daily Show with John Stewart has a great take on it (thanks to moth for the link!).

Fixed means… well, fixed!

September 07, 2004 By: bio Category: General

I got a call from one of my credit card companies last night. They were curious about some purchases that were made. I verified thus said purchases (back to school shopping for the kids) and they unlocked my account.

Pretty spiffy! I didn’t even know it was locked. I do respect them for verifying that I had my card and the charges were legit.

Then, out of boredom, I looked at my online statement for Capitol One. I haven’t purchased much on it lately, so I thought I’d look and verify that nothing odd had shown up. I wasn’t happy with what I saw.

Apparently, my 8.9% fixed interest rate is gone. It’s gone up the past two months and is currently at 12.25%. WTF? I’ve never been late, am nowhere near the credit limit, and always pay extra. So.. I called them.

After talking to a couple of people, I got transferred to an account manager. He looked at my account, said everything was more than perfect, but couldn’t give me a specific reason why my interest rate had suddenly jumped up. The only answer I got was “the accounting department changed some rates”. “What did I do wrong”, I asked. “Nothing as far as I can see, and I’m looking way back into your account” he replied.

He then offered me 9.9% rate if I transfer a minimum of $500 from another card. This, he proudly told me, was a fixed rate (for both the current balance as well as the amount I’d transferring over). “Fixed like my old 8.9%?” I asked with a chuckle.

Like the lemming I am, I agreed (he stated I’d be saving 3.5% by doing that). That got me thinking… 3.5%??? They increased my interest rate for the current billing period to 13.4%!

What’s in your wallet? Apparently, I’ve got a big old stinky turd in mine.

I’m a lucky boy!

September 07, 2004 By: bio Category: General

It’s tuesday morning… 2am-ish.

I’m doing the graveyard shift tonight because:

  1. I have no spine
  2. See above reason
  3. I need to learn to say “Fuck NO!”

Of course, I am paid well, and I’m employed (for the moment), so I guess I should just STFU.

I got all the back to school shopping done on Saturday. I spend a small fortune on clothes, notebooks, pens, etc. Funny thing… my credit card company called tonight to verify that I made a crap-load of purchases on saturday. I guess I don’t use my cards much, so it shocks them when I do.

We also had my sons girlfriend over for dinner tonight. I grilled some top sirloin steaks (marinated in olive oil, soy sauce, and MontrĂ©al seasoning) and served them with shrimp scampi, black beans and rice, grilled walla-walla onions, and a garden salad. Oh man… it was nice! đŸ™‚

On a side note, the donations for the new server are still coming in. According to my “hall of fame“, we’ve hit $416. How cool is that?!? I will be ordering the new server at the end of the month. While the donations aren’t going to pay for it, they will help soften the blow. I have the best users in the world!

Um… what else is new… um… not much I guess (unless you count the heated political discussions that keep appearing on the BRHF).


September 03, 2004 By: bio Category: General


It’s the beginning of a 3 day weekend for those lucky enough to get Labor Day off. It should be 3 glorious days of lounging around the house, firing up the BBQ, and drinking my favorite 12oz beverage.

What it will be is a mad scramble to get my damn kids prepared for school (which starts on tuesday).

I can almost taste the rapture of fighting to get the last box of colored pencils, a pack of college ruled loose leaf paper, and those crappy little pens with erasable ink.

Sure… I could have gone and done this weeks ago, but the thought of immersing myself in the visceral stink of a crowd of Wall*Mart shoppers is so tantalizing, that I had to wait for the last minute!

Actually… truth be told, I’ll slink into the local Staples. It costs a few cents per item more than Wall*Mart (which keeps the unwashed masses at bay) and they always have a huge inventory, so I can do it all in one stop.

Of course, I gotta buy clothes for the kids too.

Buying school clothes for a 15 year old boy is an exercise in frustration at best. Everything has to be cool, and pricy… and he won’t wear half of what he picks out after the fact. I’m sure girls are worse, but it can’t be by much.

Pray for me!