It’s over
According to CNN, John Kerry just conceded to President Bush.
No long drawn out recount this time. President Bush is actually elected by the people this time.
The first thing that Bush needs to realize is that about half of America doesn’t approve of him. He better re-evaluate his policies and actions from the previous term and do what it takes to win thus said 50% over.
On a side note, this means that Hillary Clinton is now capable of running for the Oval Office in 2008.
At least people got out and voted this time, but Hillary for Pres, wow, even Bill would vote for Monica first.
1Monica, schmonica.
So Bill got a blowjob… BFD! I say “good for him!”. Last time I checked, it wasn’t illegal.
Hillary would make a fine president in my opinion. She’d also probobly run the country the way it was when her husband was president.
Remember those days… a strong economy, we weren’t in some bullshit war that an idiot of a president spoon fed us weak lies about, and the international community had some sort of respect for our country.
If you want to do zings on politicians, why not focus on the doe eyed dumbass that you voted for. Bill may have done a dumb thing or two, but at least he wasn’t a complete moron.