wwbd – Get your groove on!

And thus ends a 4 day weekend

November 28, 2004 By: bio Category: General

Overall, this holiday weekend was good.

I spent the last couple of days doing pretty much nothing. I did, however, discover something wonderful this weekend: Widmer Snow Plow Milk Stout. Damn… that’s nice!

Today’s game plan: set up the Christmas tree, lights on the front of the house, and put the remains of the turkey in the freezer. Oh yeah… I lead the rock star life style!

Comments are still turned off on the website. I’ve been reading up on different ways to lock it down, making it more difficult for spammers to hit me. I have noticed something interesting while looking at my stats. It appears that the program that they’re using to fill blogs full of crap shows as a referrer with the IP address of (which isn’t real).

I’m going to set up Apache to redirect anyone who attempts to connect from that referrer to either go to a special page designed just for them or to just forward that traffic to fbi.gov. I’ll also try implementing something stupidly simple today. We’ll see how that goes.

On the Half-Life 2 front… I’m back in the game again. Since I beat it last week, I’ve been going through it more slowly… looking for things I missed in the first go around and making sure EVERYONE is dead. Apparently, I missed quite a bit in my first run through the game.

I’m on the air boat part at the moment. The first time I played it, I ran that thing at full throttle all the way through the canals. There’s quite a few “hidden” areas along the banks (most of which are marked with a spray painted half-life symbol). They contain ammo and life (as well as head crabs).

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