wwbd – Get your groove on!

I’m still standing

March 16, 2005 By: bio Category: General

I haven’t updated el bloggo de caca for a while.

I’m still recovering from my surgery. The exterior bandages have come off and I’m left with about a dozen butterfly sutures stuck to my back. It itches like mad, but that’s a good thing. I’ve also seemed to have developed an infection in my right eye. Waking up with cornflakes in your eyelashes, effectively gluing your damn eye shut is a treat! Yay! More visits to the doctor!!

Other than that… not one hell of a lot going on. Life is pretty boring when you’re stuck in the land of daytime TV. One can only watch “Surprise By Design” so many times before they go insane.

I’m hoping that I’ll be able to use my car again soon. I’d kill for a haircut and the chance to escape the house for a bit.

0 Comments to “I’m still standing”

  1. alaskaman says:

    dream on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah did I tell you I can cut hair heheheh………..sorry there bio best I can do is come bug the heck out you from time to time LOL. Hang in there you will be doing hand stands on that bike before ya know it ;)……

  2. PsychoDucky says:

    Yeah…sorry to hear that it is driving you nuts.

  3. BuggZZZ says:

    Just Have Mrs. Bio buzz that noggin!
