I’ve decided to give the website a facelift. I’ve been running the same basic look for a long time. It’s time to be different.
There’s obviously a lot of crap broken at the moment (the links are all messed up), but I’m working on it.
If the comments work, let me know what you think of it (the comments will be moderated, so they wont show up right away… damn spammer monkeys).
*EDIT* – I fixed the damn links 🙂
*EDIT Again* – I added a php script that rotates the masthead image every time the page is loaded. There are half a dozen variations to the image (the car changes color). It will randomly select one when you load the page, then change it if you hit a link on the page that reloads the site.
How cool is that? 🙂
Nice. Like the changes.
1WOW those drugs are good LOL1
2Just joshing looks good of course BIO
3I don’t know, it’s very… artsy. 🙂
4Definitely a change, which ain’t all bad. Besides you’ll probably change it again next month right? BTW, can you throw that cool little drop down list for Archives in my template? 🙂
Looks good cept for that butt ugly unamerican car.
5rofl at the “unamerican car” bit.
Since when have you ever known me to drive some POS spit out by Detroit? Of the last 5 cars I’ve had, 3 were german, and 2 were japanese.
American cars… I’d buy one if they didn’t suck so much butt.
6Like the site….cofusing, since everything is on the other side. The Beebop car is Japanese right? Well good to see that you have something keeping you busy.
7OMG! I never saw the broken violin on there…OH NO!!! How could they?!
8I like American cars.
9The site looks good, but I’m not sure what it has to do with WWBD. Personally, I liked the female sillohettes (spelling?). This new look makes me think of the Beatles.
Nice! WHere did you get the idea for a broken violin?
10No one noticed the “Where’s Waldo” homage that your headers all have???? It was fun calling “Here Doggie!!!”
11The broken violin was from a photoshoot where someone accidentally dropped their violin. They took all the bits and shot a few images of it.
I loved it.
And thanks, BugZZZ, for noticing all the branding in the various header images. You can thank my wife for reminding me that it needed to be done. I had taken the easy route earlier by placing the same logo in the same place on every image. She suggested that I redo them all, placing the logo in various places, using various styles… blending them in.
12Good wives are hard to find. Tell Mrs. Bio the Go’auld sends their regards!