wwbd – Get your groove on!

Stir Crazy

March 19, 2005 By: bio Category: General

I’ve been locked in the house for a week and a half now and I’m going nuts.

I’m a social creature by nature, and isolation drives me crazy (then again, so does contact with the public). I’m trying to convince my wife to take me to the grocery store to help buy dinner and such. Hopefully she’ll agree.

The back is healing. It iches like mad but doesn’t hurt too bad. I’m able to wear jeans again without too much discomfort. I’m due to return to work after next week.

I’ve been filling in the time by working on the new layout for the website. I’ve added more images to the header rotation, changed the way it handles links (I’ve made the whole header clickable rather than just some of the text). I’m not sure how it looks (read: everything I make looks like crap to me).

Oh… my son’s birthday presents came yesterday. We decided that he could open them early and install them into his computer. He’s one very happy young man.

0 Comments to “Stir Crazy”

  1. Painted says:

    It will be ok, you’ll be out and about before you know it.
