wwbd – Get your groove on!

Are they friggin’ nuts?!?

April 13, 2005 By: bio Category: General

Michigan Congressman Fred Upton is trying to ammend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to change DST.

Another daylight saving time debate made its way to Washington.

Michigan Congressman Fred Upton introduced legislation to extend daylight saving time as part of the Energy Policy Act.

Currently, daylight saving time begins in the United States on the first Sunday in April and ends on the last Sunday in October.

Rep. Upton says extending daylight saving time “makes sense” especially with “skyrocketing energy costs”.

Under Upton’s amendment, it would begin in March and end in November.

Yeah… it would also fubar every computer, router, and firewall in my NOC.

Sure, given time, man hours, cash, and enough patches and firmware updates, everything would be spiffy again. That is, of course, only if the hardware and software mfgr’s write an update (we have some older equipment in use… most of it would have to be replaced).

Monumental bad idea, kids. Don’t do it.

0 Comments to “Are they friggin’ nuts?!?”

  1. Ok so I live in alaska I think we should have 24 hours of day light at least 364 day of the year.
    This is our sun in Juneau alaska on June 15th 2005

    Sun Rise: 4:21am
    Sun Set: 11:38pm

    now why do WE need to save daylight? hummmmm as for winter this is our sun in Juneau on decemeber Sun Rise: 7:18am
    Sun Set: 3:41pm
    now with out daylight savings december sunlight would be sun rise @11:13 am sun set @4:41 pm and in June it would be sun rise @ 3:21 am and sun set @ 10:38 pm My point being I dont care let the lower 48 fall into total darkness I dont care! It’s a clock! Set em all for midnight at noon tomorrow and it will still be twelve oclock! AGAIN ITS A CLOCK! Funny how they seem to run our lives. Damn it I missed my flight! LOL
