wwbd – Get your groove on!

Shave my what?

July 01, 2005 By: bio Category: General

Last weekend, Kayla (my son’s girlfriend) asked if she could remove the mats from our cat, Bondi.

Bondi is a special case. He’s pure white with blue eyes and completely deaf. He’s also about the most un-hygenic cat I’ve ever seen. Dirt in his fur, mats, and more likely than not, a big turd stuck to his butt.

But we love him.

So… Kayla and my son took him into the bathroom with the electric clippers (he can’t hear the clippers so they didn’t freak him out too bad). What followed was pure comedy genious:

Bondi says hello
Looks normal enough from this angle… but wait…

Bondi is bald
OMG!! Removing a couple of mats does NOT mean shave his whole back!

Screw you, bald monkey!
Bondi is less than happy with his new “do”.

And that’s the last time I let the kids take care of the cat.

Sure… they got the mats out… but bejesus… the cat’s gonna have a complex for sure! 🙂

0 Comments to “Shave my what?”

  1. C Huesdon says:

    Your aunt on Angies side has a whole houseful, 92 to be exact with a number of them with the same do

  2. PsychoDucky says:

    OK…so next time it is the flowbee. Those work much better…and your son told me that would be fine…I was skeptical…but he said that he would talk all the blame.

  3. jeanne says:

    just so you know that is on Angie’s father’s side of the family. lol

  4. Moxie says:

    Nice 🙂

    I have considered shaving my boy cat because he’s completely non-self-cleaning, too.

    Plus, a shaved cat is good for everyday laughs. 😀

  5. Pure comedy gold! 🙂
