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Spam… um… what?

July 14, 2005 By: bio Category: General

I get a hell of a lot of spam.

Some make sense:

From: “Sondra”
Subject: Exclusive benefits

Dear Homeowner,

You have been pre-approved for a $402,000 Home Loan at a 3.45% Fixed Rate.

This offer is being extended to you unconditionally and your credit is in no way a factor.

To take Advantage of this Limited Time opportunity all we ask is that you visit our Website and complete the 1 minute post Approval Form.

Enter Here (*link removed… I’m not gonna help you one bit you smacktard!*)


Esteban Tanner
Regional CEO

Yeah… I’m going to go to your website, fill in my social security number, credit card numbers, mothers maiden name, etc. I’ll get right on that.

Then there’s crap like this:

From: “Palma Amalia”
Subject: LEVlTRRA, \ /ALUUM, \ /llGRA, CAALlS, L0RAAZEPAM, AMBllEN, ALPRAZZ0LAM, XANA, MER1DllA, TRAMAD0OL affect dare besides spoke

nothing pie did gate come suddenly next taken disappoint burst. aunt know deal corner? dare difficult proceeded profession object within, science giving ate author seize” food familiar night tomorrow pay spot.

Hard to buy Meds
All countriies shiiping

150 hottest selling meds for you to choose from meantlikely

C1icck here to 0rder hat

knows usedto trees near convenient immediate young become how wrong. hopes love similar happened evening talking bread sooner moon, affect action keeping appear”

WTF does any of that mean?? There’s not even a link in the email to buy what ever the hell they’re trying sell. Why would I buy anyting from a company that uses \ / instead of the letter “v” and numbers instead of vowels (they even misspelled “click”). Does anyone fall for this kind of crap?

Well… I would guess they do… otherwise it wouldn’t exist.

0 Comments to “Spam… um… what?”

  1. Hello I sorry for the forwardness of this message. But my great uncle died in (insert middle eastern country here of your choice)and we are asking you to be his next of kin. This must remain confidential so shhhhhh no telling the FBI cyber crime lab about me OK? Give me your personal phone and fax numbers as well as you full name and home address and yes you Mr BIO man could get part of 666.666 millon US dollars of course. Oh by the way I hope you dont mind that I gave this guy you SSN LMAO! As he said he needed it to finish his transactions. WOW 666.666 million will buy a lot of paint :0 so flick here to accept this offer.
