wwbd – Get your groove on!

Windy as a mo-fo, fo’ sho’

August 12, 2005 By: bio Category: General

A huge thunderstorm is currently ripping through the area. Winds in the 70+ mile per hour range, trees falling down, heavy rainfall.


I’m not sure how things are at my place (but the server is up, which means I have power and a phone line). I’m hoping my new roof is still there (replaced after the last big ass storm ripped the old on off a couple of months ago). I’m also hoping that my neighbor’s 80′ (24.38 meter) tall trees are still in his yard and not on my roof.

I’m also damn glad that I didn’t ride my motorcycle today 🙂

0 Comments to “Windy as a mo-fo, fo’ sho’”

  1. need a roofer LOL kidding kidding 😉
