wwbd – Get your groove on!

Steak and tingles and worms, oh my!

August 15, 2005 By: bio Category: General

The weekend was good at Casa de WWBD.

My father-in-law came down from Canada for a visit, and he brought gifts. REAL Canadian whiskey (good stuff!) and peaches from an orchard somewhere between here and there. We had a great (if not very laid back) visit. We ate steak, watched the tube, and did basically not a damn thing.

The perfect weekend.

Today, I stared physical therapy to see if I can improve my back. I did discover that if you hold my legs out my feet will go to sleep instantly (gotta love nerve damage!). I guess this would explain why it happens every time I sit in my recliner.

In other news: A new worm, W32.Zotob.A (aka: BOTZOR) is running all over the net. Please, for the love of all that is good and pure, if you run Windows (any flavor), download and install the critical updates and update your anti-virus.

Seriously… If I know you and you get hosed but didn’t do those two things… don’t call me. You’re on your own.

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