An open letter to Pat Robertson
Dear Pat Robertson,
-Tone Parsons
This is, of course, in response to his comments toward Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
And we wonder why the rest of the world looks at America as a threat. Of course, this is coming from the same man who said that feminism encourages women to “kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.â€
Thanks for helping improve our international appeal, ass munch!
If a person/minister were to say that about our “idiot in office” how fast would they be on the next plane to Gitmo? Any one who thinks the current American Executive Branch of government is doing a great job……..well go fill up your car with gas, your home heating oil tanks with #1 diesel, and any other form fuel one may need OK. The idiot is going to bring this country to its knees before he leaves office. Hummmm…… a oil President and record high gas and crude oil prices hummmmm…… do you suppose there may be some connection HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM? While this country is on it knees will the republicans do me a big favour while you are down there please 😉 LOL OK I will shut the blank up now.
1The part that kills me about it all is:
Robertson basically kicked his bible across the floor and ignored the whole “Thou shalt not kill” commandment when he made his statement.
Donald Rumsfeld said (about Robertson’s comments) “He’s a private citizen. Private citizens say all kinds of things all the time”, but he’s a “citizen” with a massive public forum, impressive control of his followers, and made a run for the office of the president. I’d say that this makes him a leader of sorts.
Shouldn’t he be held accountable for his actions? If he made the same comment about George W. Bush, would they have taken it so lightly?
On a side note, after denying he made such a comment (roll tape!), he’s made a formal apology. I seriously doubt the sincerity of it, as it was made only after he realized the rest of the world thinks he’s an ass (and rightly so).
Pat… step down, go away, don’t bother us again.
2It appears that organized religion isn’t all that much different from organized crime…lol