wwbd – Get your groove on!

Archive for August, 2005

One more time!

August 09, 2005 By: bio Category: General

Well, it’s been a fun few months, but the pain is returning to my leg again.


I have an appointment with my doctor to discuss options. I’m hoping that I can get by on physical therapy and pain management (3 back surgeries is enough for one lifetime).

Hopefully it works out well.

You don’t go there for the food.

August 08, 2005 By: bio Category: General

Spokane recently got it’s very first Hooters.

Welcome to Hooters

We waited a few weeks after they opened to go there so that it wouldn’t be quite so crazy (I hate the unwashed masses). I had been to a Hooters before (in Monroeville, PA), but things were very different at the Spokane location.

It’s a lot louder!

Every time someone would walk in, all the waitresses would scream, in unison, “HI!! WELCOME TO HOOTERS!!”. Then they would stand up on stools and sing and dance when certain songs came on (I’m pretty sure OSHA doesn’t know about that).

We did get damn good service. Every few minutes, one of the girls would walk by, talk to us, make sure everything was fine, and sign a piece of paper on our table. Eddie asked one of the girls how many pieces of paper she had to sign. “All of them” was her reply.

The food itself wasn’t too bad. I had the Cobb Salad, Eddie had the wings, and Jess had some meat and cheese thing in a hoagie. All were priced on par with Red Robin, TGI Fridays, and Boston’s…. so it wasn’t a cheap lunch, but it wasn’t too expensive either.

At one point we were surrounded by the waitress who sang us a song…. loudly…. while they danced around the table.

You don’t go there for the food

We also saw what they did to you if you were stupid enough to tell them it was your birthday.

You get to stand on a chair, holding a rubber chicken, while they dance around you and sing. The symbolism of this wasn’t lost un us. Now granted…. standing there holding your cock while surrounded by attractive women isn’t a bad idea, but it is probably a little embarrassing.

But maybe that’s just me.

One nation, Under God… no exceptions!

August 05, 2005 By: bio Category: General

The debate over teaching “intelligent design” in public schools gains new wind. Apparently, this movement is now backed by President Bush.

<rant mode>

First and foremost, I’m not here to debate the validity of “Intelligent Design” or even “Devine Creation”. I am, however, against the teaching of these beliefs in our public schools.

There are those who claim that “Intelligent Design” is not a theologically driven belief. I cry foul to that. While “Intelligent Design” isn’t a simple replay of “Devine Creation” which excludes the word “God”, it’s very close. It also teaches that there are things which can not and should not be studied and investigated. Why search for the roots of man when it’s known that he was created by a “Higher Being”.

I have no problems with faith… believe me, I have plenty. But America is a melting pot of many different religions. Those who support this action would certainly rebel if the schools were to also teach the creation stories of other religions as fact (like days and nights of Brahma) . If we make an exception for one religion, we must make an exception for all of them. This isn’t practical.

In a nutshell: If you want your children to learn an alternative to evolution, be a parent and teach them yourself.

</rant mode>

Dubya is still a primate.

Slow day…

August 03, 2005 By: bio Category: General

Not much going on in wwbd land today (I’m sick).

So I’ll leave you with the following political cartoons:

I’ll be back in action again soon… and the suckage will continue with a vengance!

Sick as a dog

August 02, 2005 By: bio Category: General

I felt like total crap when I got up today, but being the idiot I am, I went to work anyway.

It got much worse. Good times!


I made about an hour and a half before I had to go home. Guess I should have listened to my body this morning.

I’ve also been upgrading the wordpress installs on the server to get everything current. Unfortunately, this means that custom themes have to be re-done (and that takes time). I’ve pretty much finished Moxie’s website (plus or minus a few tweaks). Next comes JC’s page (which should take a whopping 5 minutes).