wwbd – Get your groove on!

Back to the grind

October 17, 2005 By: bio Category: General

The weekend was good!

Friday, I went out with my brother-in-law, David, and his work crew. We went to Sharp Shooters and killed many pieces of paper with large caliber rounds, then wandered off to some mexican restaurant for food and beers (it was horrible).

After being forgotten by the staff, we went to the Trent n’ Dale, a tiny little pub in the Valley. They had many different micro brews on tap for very cheap ($2.50 a pint!). Oh yeah… it may be small but it’s my new most favoritest place EVER!

Saturday, my wife and I went shopping for a new washing machine, as ours gave up the ghost that day. Luckily, it fit in her Jeep (we were worried about that). After removing the old one, cleaning up the HORROR that was under it, and installing the new one, we got to work in the yard.

We finished the retaining wall in the front and did all the back-fill (I’ll post pictures later). My wife pulled most of the petunias that were lingering on and we planted a ton of bulbs for spring (tulips, hyacinth, daffodils, etc). It should look good come spring!

Today’s plan of attack: Get Tom’s computer to the airport.

As I’ve mentioned before, I built a spiffy little PC for my friend Tom (who lives in Alaska). After much searching for BattleField2 on DVD (you can’t get it any more), I settled on picking him up a copy on CD-ROM (it was only 3 disks) and installed it for him. Damn… his Geforce 7800GT kicks some serious ass!! I cranked everything all the way up at 1024×768 and it played like a dream (which is better than my 6800Ultra).

Perhaps I should ship him my PC instead 🙂

EDIT – I dropped it off around 11:30… by 1:30 it was in on a plane leaving Seattle and on it’s way to Juneau. Damn… air freight is fast!

EDIT Again – Tom called me at 10pm (9pm Alaska time)… it was at his house. Bejesus, that was fast!!

0 Comments to “Back to the grind”

  1. You cannot get BF2 on DVD?


  2. Well… technically I could, but it would cost way more and I’d have to order it online from some company I’ve never heard of before.

    The DVD version was released for pre-orders only and isn’t being pressed any more. The only way to get it is to find some place that pre-ordered a boat-load of coppies with plans to mark them up and re-sell them.

    Bastards, all of ’em!

  3. And its up and running wow it is SO fast. Wee more computer to screw up LOL. Thanks Bio your the bestest.

  4. Hey does anyone know where I take digital film to be developed LOL
