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Questions to ponder

November 22, 2005 By: bio Category: General

With the recall vote of Spokane Mayor, Jim West, in full swing, I have a few questions.

What exactly is the recall based on?

Inappropriate use of city computers: Yes, the mayor visited a website that had nothing to do with managing the city. Have you ever gone to a website from work that had nothing to do with work? If he had visited match.com or marrageencounter.com would it still be bad? Is it only bad because he went to a site that was gay related?

Offering a job to someone in a chat room: Doesn’t every political official have the right to appoint (or at least suggest a person) whom they deem fit to work positions within their administration? Do they have to be the ultimate in qualified personnel to fit that position (if so, someone should tell the President that he seriously missed the ball on that one a few times).

Personally… this reeks more and more of “smear the queer” to me. Sure, he’s gay… he admits that. Does his sexual orientation make him a bad Mayor for the city? Is this town so openly homophobic that this requires the destruction of a mans career?

As for the whole “chat room” thing… this stinks to high heaven. A man was hired by the Spokesman Review (the local newspaper and one of the Mayor’s staunchest opponents) to flirt with the Mayor. This, in my opinion, is a massive set up.

What it all boils down to, in my opinion, is that the owners of the paper were dissatisfied with the Mayor’s response to the parking garage issue in Spokane (which they had a vested financial interest in), and set out to destroy the man.

Unfortunately, Spokane Washington is a two mule, olive pit of a town. It’s devoid of cultural diversity and intolerant to everything that isn’t mainstream. I’m confident that the Mayor will take this in the teeth over this, and we, as a city, will have lost big time.

0 Comments to “Questions to ponder”

  1. Hummm well I wanna say NO COMMENT………..butt?It is Spokane. And to quote a business man at whom I was talking with the last time I was in Spokane about the Mayor and his problems, “Well if he were busy filling pot holes instead of butt holes” Sadly one of the many reason I do not live in beautiful Spokane Washington anymore. Sorry Jim West, does not look to good for you. The farmer gene is to well intrenched in Spokane, hell they think its still cowboys and indians there. As a result the natives take a hit as well. But I do not think that of all of Spokane, just enough to get the mayor recalled. Spokane today has made little progress in culture since I grew up there from 1955 to 1980. I would say that the average IQ of the population has been on the rise, but IQ does not = a negative in homophobia.

  2. Eddie says:

    I’ve thought since the start of this that the only reason for the recall is cause he’s gay. It’s a bunch of crap as far as I’m concerned. And if I could vote, I would have voted against the recall. Now show some proof of stealing money from the city or something like that, then I say kick him out.

  3. miftah says:

    When I returned to Kansas, people would ask me, “So what’s Spokane like?” I would tell them that the valley has more white trash per capita than any city in Kansas. They used to look at me with wide-eyed horror. Because we have some white trash in this state, but its nothing compared to many parts of Spokane. I used to follow it up with “Those who can, escape to Seattle.”
