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Archive for December, 2005

Security hole ahoy!

December 30, 2005 By: bio Category: Geeky Stuff

As I posted a few weeks ago, my box became infected an “extortion ware” spyware program that attempted to get me to purchase SpyAxe by constantly warning me that my computer was infected. The only way I was able to get rid of it was to scrub my box and start over.

Today, Microsoft announced that there is a big ol’ honkin’ security hole in Windows that allows this to happen.

According to the article, it doesn’t matter what browser you use (IE, Firefox, Opera), if you have a Windows machine, you’re vulnerable. It also states that there are hundreds of reported websites that are exploiting this problem and also possible to get attacked by viewing infected WMF files.

As of this writing, Microsoft hasn’t found a solution to the problem.

So… be careful where you go, what you click on, and for the love of all that’s good and pure, update your anti-virus, firewall, and spyware detection programs!

How was your holiday?

December 29, 2005 By: bio Category: General

Ok… it’s been a few days since Christmas. You’ve had time to relax, reflect, and clean up all the damn wrapping paper.

Christmas at Casa de WWBD went well.

We spent Christmas Eve just sitting around and relaxing. Of course, we had the kids sit in front of the tree and let them open one present (the same as we do every year). This year, they got to open pajamas (actually, that’s what they get to open on Christmas Eve every year).

My wife and I started that tradition when our eldest learned to walk. This way… they’re in something nice and new and presentable on Christmas day. Of course, they’re going to pass this tradition on to their children and have no idea why they do it… and that makes me happy.

Christmas day was good as well. My children got up (and my… they looked spiffy in their new pajamas) and we proceeded to do the presents. We started, as always, with the gifts that Santa left, then my youngest son donned the Santa cap and was the distributor of gifts from under the tree.

I got some very cool things (huge thanks to Eve for the red Swingline stapler!!).

After that was over, we hit the kitchen and started cooking like mad. We had the whole famn damily coming over at 2:00 and had to get things ready. Turkey, Hamm, pies, green bean casserole, etc.

The food was ready at 3:00 and pretty much everyone was there. We ate, then played games, had a couple “beverages” (ok… some had a few more, but I stole their car keys… so it was all good). We finally got everyone out of there at midnight.

Then my wife went to bed and I fired up my laptop (because I had to work the graveyard shift… but am able to do it from home).

Seriously? good times (except for the working graveyard bit? that blew goats).

How was your Christmas?

It?s a Christmas Miracle!!!

December 23, 2005 By: bio Category: Geeky Stuff

For those who check this site from time to time, you may have noticed that we experienced a little down-time for the past week or so.

Good times!

There was a problem. A big problem. After much debate and a ton of work on Jess’s part (I have no idea what I’m doing), we’re slowly coming back online. Of course, it took a format of the old server to make sure we had gotten rid of thus said problem (all I’m gonna say is: I hate Brazil!), adding a few more servers to the mix, and a couple of visio diagrams to keep it all straight.

The end result is… we’re back online (well… partially!).

I still need to get my forum up and running as well as every other blog I host… but at least it’s working.


SpyAxe, not exactly a warm and fuzzy experience

December 05, 2005 By: bio Category: Geeky Stuff, General

This weekend, my sons had friends over. These friends used my computer.

While I’m not sure where they went on the internet, I’m fairly sure it wasn’t a truly wholesome and family friendly joyride.

When I fired up my PC on Saturday night, I was greeted to the joys of SpyAxe being installed and a few extra special links added to my favorites. While the favorites are easy enough to clean up, removing SpyAxe is not.

For those unfamiliar with SpyAxe, let me give you my experience with it.

In my opinion, it’s extortion ware. It installs on your computer just by viewing a website, then appears in your tool pallet (by the system clock) and starts whining about how your machine is infected with spyware (yes it is… it has SpyAxe on it now!). The only way to fully remove it is to purchase their spyware removal tool. Finding the removal tool is easy enough, because your web browser is hijacked to go there, regardless of what you’ve set your default webpage to, every time you launch your browser. If you have the audacity to click on a link from your favorites, it tells you that you can’t go there because YOUR COMPUTER IS INFECTED WITH SPYWARE!

I truly hope there’s a special place in hell for people who write software like that… a place that involves stinging nettles being rammed into the orifice du jour with red hot pokers. Repeat daily for eternity.

I did find some tools to remove this little gem with, but they were sadly lacking. They would remove one part of the problem, but not another. Both Spybot Search & Destroy and Ad-Aware were also unable to correct the issue. I finally ended up scrubbing my C: drive and reinstalling windows.

The authors of SpyAxe claim that they don’t engage in such practices, but rather, some of their affiliates with less than shining morals are responsible. Why are they still affiliates then?


Apparently, as of November 25th, they’ve ported this little gem to affect the latest version of Firebox as well… so it doesn’t much matter what browser you use. I’ve now installed TeaTimer on my machine, which protects my registry and system files from being modified without my permission. Sure… it’s a pain in the ass, but it’s far easier than scrubbing my hard drive when things like this happen (and I would rather spend the afternoon formatting and reinstalling than give one cent to a software company that does such things).

You get what you pay for

December 02, 2005 By: bio Category: Geeky Stuff, General

For the love of God, people… read the fine print!!

There are a few auctions going on right now in ebay with the title of XBOX 360 Premium Game System – Box Only

Be the first to own this years hottest Holiday gift box!

This is the PREMIUM BUNDLE BOX, and it would include a wireless controller, 20 gigabyte hard disk drive, high definition component video cables, remote control, and a headset communicator if it were the console, but it is only the box, and will not come with these items. The XBOX 360 PREMIUM system was the ultimate gift this holiday season, people stood in lines for over 12 hours for these wonderful game consoles, i know i had to stand in line for almost 13 to get this box. 13 hours for a game console! Everyone should have one. This is a great gag gift, and in case you are not clear, you are getting an empty XBOX PREMIUM BUNDLE box without accessories or the console. Also, please be aware that this is not for the original xbox package, it is a box i have made with scanned images of the original taped to it for a simple gag gift. Image is only representative of what you will recieve, not the actual thing. You will be reported to Ebay if you do not follow through with the purchase if you bid. This is a binding contract, so only serious bidders, and i have been clear on the contents, so please, no questions!

These have sold for over $600… for a cardboard box… that says “XBOX” on the side (hand written.. it’s not even a real XBOX box).

Click the thumbnail for a larger image:
One is born every minute

For those who are hunting for one of these things… be careful. For those who were stupid enough to not read what they were buying… well… good luck!

EDIT: My cousin found the link to the auction mentioned above.