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Yet another reason I’m glad I left South Dakota

February 25, 2006 By: bio Category: General

While I wasn’t born there, I spent more of my youth in South Dakota than I did anywhere else. I left the town I was living in, Huron, two days before I turned 18 and never looked back (there wasn’t anything for me there).
I’m once again glad I left that two mule, olive pit of a state.

South Dakota is banning abortion under any circumstance.

Myself, I’m a Pro-Life Choice person. I don’t agree with abortion when used as a form of birth control, but recognize that there are a number of situations where it might be in the best interest of those involved to have one. It’s a decision that can only be made by those whom it will effect. I also know that if it’s banned, abortions will still happen, but with no regulation to insure that they’re done correctly or safely. Simply put: women will still have the procedure, and many will die as a result.

With the legislation that South Dakota is putting forth, if someone is raped, and a pregnancy occurs, there will be no way to terminate the pregnancy. This means that under law, the rapist will become the father and will therefore have a fathers rights with the child.


Also, under the law, a woman may not terminate a pregnancy, even if it may end her life.

WTF!! (part II)

Once again, the powers that be are setting aside your rights, and are instead are legislating their “values” on you (and their decision is totally based upon a religious belief, not on the well being of women, their right to make their own decisions, or with any thought about the children that might be born).

Simply put, a woman’s right to choose is being revoked. What’s next? Shall we remove their right to vote and make them cover themselves from head to foot when in public? Let just remove the separation between church and state while we’re at it.

0 Comments to “Yet another reason I’m glad I left South Dakota”

  1. Words totally fail me.

    It’s interesting that world-wide we abhor religious zealots and their imposition of will upon people, yet we don’t even bat an eyelid when there’s one in arguably the most powerful position in the world. There’s nothing behind that decision except religion, no matter how you want to dress it up or explain it away.

    We have a lesser version of ultra-conservative in power here, but I tell you, if something like that is muttered here, I will, for the first time in my life, take plackard-waving, screaming action.

    It’s my body, my choice and I’ll let my conscience and values make my decision thank you very much, not some bible-bashing pinstriped hypocrite who “knows what’s best” for my embryo.

  2. Obviously, I totally agree with you, Eve.

    When we let religion dictate our laws, we become more of a theocracy than a democracy. What’s next? Will we have religious police walking the streets, beating people with sticks if they don’t dress appropriately?

  3. Ummmm well now that you brought it up! Speaking of the Dress Police………for Holloween this year I was going to dress up as an Arab Man in traditional Arab Religious Dress. Once I had this on, and I think I sent you a picture BIO, but this “COSTUME” looked to real. I was warned by more than a few that it would not be wise to go out in this garb for risk of having the beegeebies beaten out of me. “IT WAS TO SCARY” So South Dekota does not suprise me. We have Arabs from a country that is on the Department of Sates terror watch list, that are getting ready to take over operations of 6 of our most important US ports. I was beaten, gased, and sprayed directly in the face with liquid tear gas in Seattle during the WTO conference there. Why? Well read the above about ports that is why. People are way to apathetic. They bitch and complain, yet they will not write letters to the people who control the laws. If anyone is under the impression that the USA is not in a religious war in the middle east,and that religion has permiated our political process here in the USA, a message to you, “WAKE UP!” Ok I have ranted enough bye.

  4. PROSTITUTE…….One who sells his
    abilities or name to an unworthy cause. As in Prostitute George W. Bush and his Senate and Congress!Nice to know prostitution isn’t dead!
