I need to update more often.
I’ve decided that I’m going to start a new category on the old website: Stupid Shit.
It will be filled with things that I hate, things that piss me off, etc.
It’s gonna be chock full of stuff (because I’m finding that the whole damn world pisses me off).
I already have the first 6 posts in my head. Yes, they will offend some, no I don’t care. Oh… and a preemptive strike for you. If you find offence at something I say and feel the need to post a comment to flame me… you will be mocked, viciously.
So… buckle up, buttercup, and prepare for the ride.
Your stylesheet hasn’t been applied to the Stupid Shit section yet. There. Mock me now.
1Hmmmm… looks good to me, dumbass! 🙂
2hehe 😀
3Jesus that BIO is an opinionated asshole! How dare he have an opinion! But I am buttered up…opps I mean buckled up for his ride…..because I like BIOs rides 😉
4Sure, it looks great if you like 18pt body copy. But no, really, run with that.
5I’ve tested this on 5 different boxes, with IE and Firefox, and they all work properly (I do not see this 18pt goodness that you complain of).
I do know, however, that your good friend, Pigman, has the same exact issue on toneparsons.com.
So… I guess I’ll group the two of you together and file this issue under PUBCAK (problem usually between chair and keyboard).
6Hmmm. On the family’s Windoze box there is no 18pt shittiness. I can only assume this makes it a Mac issue. Too bad my brand new 23″ Cinema Display makes even this trifle of a site look beautiful (state funds + end of fiscal = lots of new toys). Otherwise I would care more and that might furrow my brow. Oh well, back to the backend.