wwbd – Get your groove on!

I need to update more often.

June 27, 2006 By: bio Category: Stupid Shit

I’ve decided that I’m going to start a new category on the old website: Stupid Shit.

It will be filled with things that I hate, things that piss me off, etc.

It’s gonna be chock full of stuff (because I’m finding that the whole damn world pisses me off).

I already have the first 6 posts in my head. Yes, they will offend some, no I don’t care. Oh… and a preemptive strike for you. If you find offence at something I say and feel the need to post a comment to flame me… you will be mocked, viciously.

So… buckle up, buttercup, and prepare for the ride.

0 Comments to “I need to update more often.”

  1. miftah says:

    Your stylesheet hasn’t been applied to the Stupid Shit section yet. There. Mock me now.

  2. Hmmmm… looks good to me, dumbass! 🙂

  3. hehe 😀

  4. Jesus that BIO is an opinionated asshole! How dare he have an opinion! But I am buttered up…opps I mean buckled up for his ride…..because I like BIOs rides 😉

  5. miftah says:

    Sure, it looks great if you like 18pt body copy. But no, really, run with that.

  6. I’ve tested this on 5 different boxes, with IE and Firefox, and they all work properly (I do not see this 18pt goodness that you complain of).

    I do know, however, that your good friend, Pigman, has the same exact issue on toneparsons.com.

    So… I guess I’ll group the two of you together and file this issue under PUBCAK (problem usually between chair and keyboard).

  7. miftah says:

    Hmmm. On the family’s Windoze box there is no 18pt shittiness. I can only assume this makes it a Mac issue. Too bad my brand new 23″ Cinema Display makes even this trifle of a site look beautiful (state funds + end of fiscal = lots of new toys). Otherwise I would care more and that might furrow my brow. Oh well, back to the backend.
