I’ve been playing around with my computers at home (and yes… that’s plural… I have a number of them because I’m all OMG!! RED HOT SEXY and somewhat geeky that way). I’ve been looking for an OS alternative to Windows that meets the following criteria:
– Easy to install
– Easy to use
– Supports the applications I need it to
I’ve looked around and think I’ve found a linux based implementation that will satisfy those three needs.
Ubuntu and Kubuntu are pretty much the bomb. Both are based on Debian Linux, but come with slightly different specs.
Ubuntu comes packaged with the following:
– Gnome – A GUI like Windows XP <screenshots>
– OpenOffice.org – The complete Office Suite (similar to Word, Excel, etc)
– Firefox – A web browser which seriously kicks much butt
– Thunderbird – An email client (like outlook)
– Gaim – Instant Messaging software that connects to all major IM networks (MSN, AIM, etc.)
– Gimp – A very spiffy graphics program (like photoshop)
– Audacity – An audio file mixer, editor
Kubunto uses the Ubuntu base files but comes with a few differences:
– KDE – the ultimate GUI for linux (it’s just that sexy!!) <screenshots>
– Konqueror – the KDE browser (for the web, your pc, everything!)
Both are easy to install, easy to use, and easy to get… they’re both free.
You can also try it before you make a commitment. Just download the “Live” version of Ubuntu or Kubuntu, burn the iso to CD, put it in your computer, and reboot. It will boot from the CD and bring your computer up with Linux (you’ll have to answer a few questions on boot like what language, keyboard, and video resolutions you want). It does run slow from the CD (for obvious reasons), so don’t let that discourage you.
If you choose to install, the process is very easy… just read the screens and answer the questions.
So… go there, download the Live CD iso file and play with it. If you like it, you might think about downloading the Install iso and freeing yourself, and your computer, from the bloatware you’re running right now.