Serial Killers need not apply… mktks!
Google is now offering mapping with style. You can do the old school style of vector art goodness, or you can do the fresh new style of color satalite photography (just hit the “satalite” link on the right hand side).
For example: Casa de WWBD
Small issue though…. they marked my house with the little plumb bob looking thing…. and that’s not my house. I actually live 2 houses down (I added the yellow arrow). I guess it’s not as precise as it could be, but wtf… it’s free (and free is a good thing!)
So there you go, all you intraweb psychopaths. Sharpen those axes, adjust the tension on those chain saws, and come on over! (Just make sure you check the Google version of the map instead of mine first) 🙂
All you need now is a glass roof 😉 and hey no fair this is no satilite image of my house in Alaska…..but thats why im there after all LOL
1your comments clock forgot to spring ahead LOL