wwbd – Get your groove on!

Roofers aren’t the brightest bunch (part II)

July 18, 2005 By: bio Category: General

As you’ve probably seen here before, I had my house re-roofed last week.

On Saturday… it rained for the first time (when I was home to view it). Ugh… more problems!

The first row of shingles they put down (at the edge of the roof) don’t sick out as far as they used to, and now the rain pours between the gutters and the fascia board (which I just replaced). I called and they’re coming out again. The guy I spoke to (one of the owners of the company) said he wasn’t sure right now how they planned on fixing it, but they would fix it.

Personally… I don’t care if they have to tear it all off and start fresh, I just want the water off the side of my house (like it was before they roofed).

Other boring news you could care less about:

I am a painting fool.

This weekend, my wife and I got the upper area around the deck painted. I still have to put a second coat on the trim, but it’s looking all kinds of spiffy. This week, I’m going to be prepping the surface of the deck itself and then slap a coat of stain on it. Plastic has been hung below to catch any drips from hitting the patio (I don’t need red stain all over everything). Should be fun.

One last thing (and this has nothing to do with paint… I promise). I have been known to occasionally play a computer game (or two). My current favorite is Battlefield2. The game tracks your statistics, and when you’ve done well enough, new weapons are unlocked. Apparently, something got funked up with my account and it’s no longer valid (read: I can’t log in). I’ve submitted a request to see if they can recover it, but I’m afraid I’ll have to start over from scratch. I’m also afraid that someone might take my online name (which would piss me off to no end). Hopefully they’ll have this fixed today.

0 Comments to “Roofers aren’t the brightest bunch (part II)”

  1. Hey!!!!!!!!! I didem me ruffy jus fin! Wa cha meen weese not smert? Me thinkem yall roof just expanded in the sun LMAO!

  2. PsychoDucky says:

    Well it’s raining again today…and it is going itno your fascia board I bet. They need to fix that sometime real soon.

  3. I called the house and according to my son, it’s sitll a problem.

    I’ll deal with it this weekend.

  4. Just use the bacon stretcher its in the basement of the train!
