New Year’s Goodness!
New Year’s Eve was a rockin’ good time at Casa de WWBD!
The house was full of people, we drank dandy beverages, and fireworks ensued at midnight.
Of course, the next day, I was in full “recovery” mode.
Today, we took down the tree, removed the lights from the front of the house (I don’t want to be that guy who still has Christmas lights on his house in July), and did some general “after the holiday’s” clean-up. My recycle bin is chock full of bottles. 🙂
Tomorrow begins the back to work thing. Joy! Fortunately, I completed all my end of year tasks, so things shouldn’t be too chaotic.
There’s still a few bugs with the server. I had one user who wasn’t able to get email (they were over disk quota) and another who couldn’t ftp (different login than before). I also still need to get an e-commerce site up for a couple of the domains I host, but other than that, it’s coming along nicely. I’m hoping to get all the kinks out of it this week.
That was one helluva great party!!! Next time I’ll bring more worms for David to entertain us with. Jennifer still hasn’t recovered from that Irish Car Bomb, but what the heck. (now I know how to keep her in line) C’mon down and we’ll do another brewery. Thanks again for the great party.
1Hey that was a good party. Hopefully you’ll have another one next year.
2Most assuredly we’ll do it again! 🙂
And I’ve already picked brewery to hit the next time I get down to Portland (Lucky Labrador).