Happy birthday to the C-Store!
Today is my little sister’s birthday.
While I won’t say exactly how old she is, suffice it to say that she’s younger than I, and I’m older than dirt.
Happy birthday!
Today is my little sister’s birthday.
While I won’t say exactly how old she is, suffice it to say that she’s younger than I, and I’m older than dirt.
Happy birthday!
I posted last week about the joys of being a programmer when the scope creep becomes scope sprint and no matter how exactly you follow the design spec they provided, that’s not what they wanted at all.
Today announces the release of the same application, 80% re-written, with all the new requested functionality.
Of course, I’m fully expecting to get beaten up again, because they’ve had a whole week to think about it and the new features will spark even more ideas.
This thing started as a simple data storage project. Enter the data, look at the data, perhaps modify the data. I was told point blank that it was not to be used for reporting.
It now generates reports-o-plenty, does email notifications, and is so user friendly, a 6 year old can use it.
I’m sure that I’ll be re-writing it again by the end of the day.
Microsoft released a patch for the WMF exploit yesterday.
If you use Windows and you haven’t done live update yet… do it now (or click here to get the update directly).
Do not delay, do it now, damn it!
Or not… but then I don’t want you to bitch to me about how you got SpyAxe (or something else equally as nasty) on your PC later (and no…. I will not fix your computer).
Oh yeah… the work week begins.
First work day of the new year, and already, I’m praying for a quick death.
Server problems, application problems, and the fact that people can’t/wont give you a product design spec that actually meets their expectations.
“Make an application that does this but not that”.
<insert two weeks and a fully functional application that matches the spec>
“Why doesn’t the application do that?!? I need it to do that right away!!!”
I shall now place upon my head the mighty turban of all knowledge and write them an application that provides everything that might be, complete with flash pie charts and animated bar graphs. It will tell you all about your data, remind you to water the plants in your cubicle, and propel you straight up the corporate ladder with stunning velocity.
Then I’ll never have to deal with your ass again. They don’t let me talk to important people.
In other news…. I purchased a couple of lottery tickets yesterday.
New Year’s Eve was a rockin’ good time at Casa de WWBD!
The house was full of people, we drank dandy beverages, and fireworks ensued at midnight.
Of course, the next day, I was in full “recovery” mode.
Today, we took down the tree, removed the lights from the front of the house (I don’t want to be that guy who still has Christmas lights on his house in July), and did some general “after the holiday’s” clean-up. My recycle bin is chock full of bottles. 🙂
Tomorrow begins the back to work thing. Joy! Fortunately, I completed all my end of year tasks, so things shouldn’t be too chaotic.
There’s still a few bugs with the server. I had one user who wasn’t able to get email (they were over disk quota) and another who couldn’t ftp (different login than before). I also still need to get an e-commerce site up for a couple of the domains I host, but other than that, it’s coming along nicely. I’m hoping to get all the kinks out of it this week.