It’s time to fire the faithful
According to a poll by CBS, more Americans approve of the Muslim faith than do Scientology.
The poll, which was to determine the view of the Muslim faith in America found that Americans are twice as likely to see the Muslim faith as favorable when compared to Scientology.

One has got to wonder if this is the doing of Scientology’s leading front man and biggest supporter, Tom Cruise. His wacky antics on television and his attacks on other celebrities could very well be hurting the “religion”.
In the poll, Americans viewed the Muslim faith as favorable in 19% of those polled… Scientology only got 8%.
Other religions fared with the following: 58% had a favorable impression of Protestantism, 48% of Catholicism, 47% of the Jewish religion, 31% of Christian fundamentalist religions and 20% of the Mormon religion.
Perhaps the leaders of Cruise’s favorite cause should tell him to sit down and STFU (or, if they’d prefer, I will).
This is L. Ron Hubbard of the Church of Scientology. It is highly disturbing that you are attacking one of our finest members.
“In Scientology no one is asked to accept anything as belief or on faith. That which is true for you is what you have observed to be true. An individual discovers for himself that Scientology works by personally applying its principles and observing or experiencing results.
Through Scientology, people all over the world are achieving the long-sought goal of true spiritual release and freedom.” This is what the picture on your blasphimas website depicts!
Oh wait I guess if I apply that to the above picture then Mr. Cruise is just a jumping dumb ass idiot. Sorry I regress, and I L Ron Hubbard announce here that I am leaving the Church of Scientology and joining the Church Biotology and the belief of Airplane Danceatology. Please send all donations to the above link on the top left side of this page. Thank you, and Bio be with you!