wwbd – Get your groove on!

Living the good life

June 01, 2004 By: bio Category: General

How was your memorial day?

Things at Casa de WWBD were mellow. We did the typical roasting of a dead animal on the grill and downed a few 12oz beverages.

Whatta country!

I ordered a PC for my son today (or at least a collection of parts that once assembled will become a PC). I had originally thought to order a new system for myself and give him my old one, but with my being out of work and all, I went cheaper and ordered him a mirror image of what I have (more or less). Of course, his will be much fancier (a case with a window, lighted fans, ect.). Hopefully he’ll like it.

Today’s keyword searches
Here is the list of keywords people used to find this website today (as of 11:34am PST):
amatures, the flinstones, thrat, woman and dog pictures, dog woman, sexxy, quake ii skin ,lean quisine, nasty butts, ahoy reunion, high school drag queen contest

Why most of those brought them to my page is beyond me… but it is wildly entertaining!

And finally…
A pic of me in my brace: smoking and drinking beer

Step back, ladies… there’s plenty of me to go around. Grrrrrowl!

0 Comments to “Living the good life”

  1. Checkered Pants??????? Wooooo Wooooooo—and drink a couple of those good beers for me.

  2. miftah says:

    Dude, you look like a Stormtrooper in his pajamas.

  3. Rofl!!

    Yeah… I live in pajamas. It’s a damn good thing that I bought 8 pairs a while back (when I started working from home).

    I live in the brace 24/7 (for the most part). As the temperature rises, the amount that this sucks also goes up.

  4. Renee says:

    I GOT IT!!! I GOT IT!! It’s the look you’re after!!!

    Have your wife purchase a quart of 1/2 & 1/2, some vodka and some Kahlua – rent The Big Lebowski and you’re there!! It’s you!!! Ok maybe drinking White Russians while watching help explain the movie…..but it’s you….!!!!!!


    Hang in there Duder! 🙂
