wwbd – Get your groove on!

It’s done!

March 09, 2005 By: bio Category: General

I had my surgery this morning, and true to the surgeon’s word, I was discharged 3 hours later and am currently at home.

Being that I’m all sick and stuff…. I took a couple pictures for ya (they’re links that will pop up in a new window for those with sensitive stomachs).

My back.

The screws they removed

An old x-ray showing the screws in my spine (links to an old post)

So… I’m off work for the next couple of weeks for recovery, but I’m feeling pretty damn good at the moment. That might have everything to do with the drugs, so we’ll see how I feel tomorrow 🙂

0 Comments to “It’s done!”

  1. Jester says:

    Man that is some serious hardware… I was just expecting screws not the pins too, I had to look at the xray again. Those pins are insane!

  2. Painted says:

    What type of medicine are you on?

  3. Kirstin says:


  4. I’m just on some hydrocodon. It’s not too bad and I only have to take 4 7.5mg tablets a day.

    As for “Ewwwwwww!”, yeah… it kinda is 🙂

  5. Pigman says:

    I do like the Plumb Crazy Purple glint to those screws…..

    Get well soon!

    We miss you at the Lazy I
